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questions fréquentes faq Tent and structure

Tent and structure

How many seats are needed for a cocktail party?

On average, we expect to seat 1 person for every 4 people (15-25% of the total capacity). After that, everything will depend on the type of cocktail and the duration.

Can we change the location of the tent a few days before the event?

Yes, this can be validated during the technical survey, provided that the installation is equivalent for both locations (staking, unevenness of the ground, etc.)

How far can we modulate the surface according to the number of guests in the current context?

Usually for weddings, there are no more changes possible 1 month before the event or only minor changes. With the current context (COVID), if there are restrictions we try to be as flexible as possible depending on availability to change the format of the event, if you wish to maintain it (reduction in size, live event...). In the event of a change in the format of the event, a charge may be made for the equipment provided if it is not used.

How much space should a tent have?

Find the areas to be planned according to the number of guests/participants in your event:

For a seated dinner : 
1 m2 / person for a rectangular banquet table (without dance floor)
1.2 m2 / person for a round or rectangular table 1m wide (without dance floor)
Dance floor : 
0.3 m2 / person 
Ceremony or conference : 
0.8 m2 / person 
Cocktail party or standing speech : 
0.5 m2 / person 

Additional space may be required depending on the layout of the event (podium, music group, video projection, cloakroom, etc.)

For the installation of the structure, allow for : 
+ 50cm - 1m (perimeter) for classic tents, yurts, teepees 
+ 2m - 3m (perimeter) for stretch tents, bamboo, silhouette,

Why is renting a tent more expensive than renting a venue?

It is more expensive to host your event in a private space than to rent a venue. 
First of all, setting up and dismantling a reception tent requires more people than renting a venue. Furthermore, a private space is not necessarily suitable for receiving such a large number of guests. Inviting a hundred or more people requires adapted infrastructures in terms of furniture, sanitary facilities, energy... Thus, it is also necessary to foresee transport costs (truck furniture, petrol tolls, drivers...) and logistical organisation (planning, project manager, booking of equipment...).

Since it is an ephemeral structure, you have to build and create everything compared to a place where everything already exists!

Read our article Understanding the prices of reception tents. Comprendre les prix des tentes de réception