3 tips to organise your event with peace of mind

There's no need to lie: organising an event is a particularly stressful exercise. The enemy? The "im". Unforeseen, imponderable, imprecise and a host of details that should not be forgotten. But don't panic! It is possible to manage this stress and keep a good dose of adrenaline.

Be pragmatic and think of the organisation of an event as a great moment to be set to music. The key is to have the right score to avoid any problems. It is up to you to choose the orchestra that will be able to follow your tempo. In other words, review your troops and surround yourself with people you can trust (service providers, collaborators, etc.) who understand your expectations. This work is essential. It will allow you to delegate and distribute tasks as best you can. Do not carry the organisation alone. Appoint someone to be responsible for each major task/position. And make sure that your contacts have a single contact person. A contact person should be chosen from the start and should remain the same until the end of the event.

List, catalogue, plan... Write down all the tasks to be carried out and set deadlines. It is important to write down as much information as possible. The ideal? Write a complete document that you can share with your employees and service providers. This provides a common basis for work and makes it possible to know the tasks of each person. There's no mystery about it: a good event planning process involves all the links in the chain working together! To do this, you need to communicate. In the 2.0 era, we can only advise you to opt for an online collaborative tool that is easy to share and update. There is no shortage of such tools on offer: Whatsapp, Trello, Eventtia, Slack, etc. In any case, this support should enable you to answer these questions: who is working on which mission and when?
Regularly review progress with the people in charge of an assignment to point out obstacles and progress.
Anticipate! That's easy to say. Because in reality, not everything can be planned in advance. Each event has its share of uncertainties. You have to deal with and anticipate everything that can be foreseen.
Are you on a budget? Make sure you don't forget to set aside an amount equivalent to 10% of your budget to cover any unforeseen events.
You can also anticipate the vagaries of the weather. If you are outside, think "fallback solution" or opt for structures capable of adapting quickly to the whims of the sky. A stretch tent is a good example. It can be left open to the outside so that your guests can enjoy the sun. And if the rain and wind come, the sides can be folded down very quickly.

A meeting in the dark. A concert without sound. A winter wedding without heating. A nightmare! Do not neglect the essential aspect of electrical organisation. On this point, do not skimp on the means to be devoted to it (double the generators, secure the installation against bad weather, etc.).
In general, you will easily find service providers who offer to provide technical support throughout your event. Don't forget to take care of this maintenance service. Wedding planners, agencies... Why not use a third party who will be able to find solutions in the short term.
Finally, it is obvious but... take it easy, give yourself moments to "let go", sleep and offer a camomile to your teams. Fatigue is a very bad ally!