Company Christmas party: 6 key steps and tips for a top organization!

The end-of-year celebrations are just around the corner and you are thinking of organising a company Christmas party? Great idea! Although we like to say that Christmas is a party for children, think again, grown-ups are just as fond of it! Whether it's a Christmas dinner or a Christmas tree, this long-awaited moment should allow all your employees to share an unforgettable moment. You're wondering where to start. No stress! We've put together a to-do list and some tips that should help you make this event a success!
6 essential steps to organize Christmas in your company
To make your corporate Christmas party a success, here are some essential steps to know.

1) Set a consistent budget
The end of year celebrations are very important in the life of a company. It is a time to share with your employees and it is also the ideal moment to thank them for their good and loyal services.
Thus, your budget should cover the following expenses:
– l’organisation de la fête (location d’une salle, sapin de Noël, décorations, traiteur, etc.) ;
– les prestations d’un Père-Noël ;
– les cadeaux (paniers garnis, cartes-cadeaux, chèques-cadeaux, récompenses…) ;
– les animations (magicien, clown, DJ, etc.).
2) Set your date wisely
In order not to spoil this festive moment, choosing a date that will not be followed by a working day is the ideal moment. It is therefore important to take into account the availability of your employees before setting the date and time of your Christmas party.
3) Christmas on the company's premises VS Christmas at an outside location? Choose the most suitable formula
You want to organize an original event format? You can't find a venue with the capacity to receive all your guests?
Opt for the rental of a marquee for your Christmas party!
Depending on your wishes, it is possible to create a convivial reception room where all your guests can gather around a lively cocktail party or a warm sit-down dinner. This is the choice that the Barillet company made to gather its employees.
The latter enjoyed a superb dinner around round tables allowing for easy exchange and networking.
To liven up the evening, a sound system was installed as well as a custom-made podium on which a jazz band performed.
Organising your Christmas party in a tent also allows you to fully customise the desired atmosphere. Barillet asked Atawa to create a cosy and warm atmosphere. To meet their needs, we installed garlands and independent spotlights projecting warm colours and creating a play of light on the tent canvas.
Atawa's offer includes all event equipment from tents to spoons, allowing you to organize memorable events for your guests.

4) Choose the right caterer
This Christmas, you want to please your employees and that's a credit to you. Don't lose sight of this objective when choosing your caterer; your employees don't want to be impressed by haute cuisine.
What they want most of all is to enjoy themselves at the company's expense! Tasty and plentiful food is what should delight them.
5) Build your program from the ground up
No matter what type of event you are organizing (end of year party, Christmas tree, Christmas meal...). If you are planning to hold a speech, various animations, gift-giving, a snack, etc., a program defined in advance guarantees that your festivities will run smoothly, without any unfortunate oversights.
6) Decide on a communication strategy
The more people there are, the bigger the party gets! Don't wait until the last moment to send out your invitations. If you give your employees enough notice, they will be able to make arrangements to enjoy your Christmas party.
Also, don't hesitate to ask your guests for feedback. Even if everything went well, your staff probably has some interesting ideas for next year.
Our top 6 tips for making Christmas magic happen
Organizing a Christmas tree or an end-of-year party is quite common. But what if you let the magic of Christmas work on your company's premises? More than a party, Christmas is also a state of mind. Here is a list of tips, far from exhaustive, but which should inspire you.

1) Brighten up your premises with Christmas colours.
From the beginning of December, get out your best Christmas decorations or rent them. Put up a Christmas tree for all to see. These few tricks are enough to transform the atmosphere; a fruitful well-being invades your employees!
2) Organize an unusual game.
And if you launch a santa secret? Easy to set up, it ensures a good mood. Its principle? people who agree to play draw lots to choose the name of a person to whom they will offer a small present, while keeping their anonymity.
And why not organize a contest of the most ridiculous Christmas sweater?
3) Think outside the box and choose an original theme.
Break the routine! Choose a theme and create a surprise for your employees, who may be taken in by it: Alpine Christmas, British Christmas, Tropical Christmas, Frosty Christmas, etc.

4) Avoid talking about work on the day.
After putting so much energy into organising a Christmas meal, it would be a shame to spoil it. Don't forget that it's a time for employees to get to know each other better, away from the usual topics.
5) Conduct a survey of your employees.
By knowing their preferences and expectations, you put all the chances on your side to satisfy the greatest number. A questionnaire in the colours of Christmas will have the most beautiful effect!
6) Call in a professional.
Organizing a company Christmas party requires rigor, but above all time and energy. By calling on a professional event planner, you are not diverted from your core business which remains your priority.
Of course, Christmas celebrations are surrounded by traditions. However, by delegating their organization to event specialists, you could, in addition to offering you a more serene end of the year, delight your guests by plunging them into an unexpected fairy world.